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Products & Services

At South Central Livestock Supply, we offer a wide range of agricultural products and services. We currently have two locations- Winner and Gregory South Dakota. Whether you are looking for liquid or dry feed or consultation services for cows and calves, give us a call or stop by today. 
Cow and Calf

Here at SCLS, we provide a great line of feed products. We carry lineups from liquid to dry and feedlot to cow calf. We have several different kinds of feed to fit your needs and also several different lineups to fill the need that fits you best. We carry a large lineup of beef, sheep horse and swine. We also carry a large supply of pet foods and specialty feeds


Brands we carry:

Some of our brands are Westway Feeds, Dakota Blenders and Ranchers choice. We take great pride in formulating our feed tags to fit our area or specific producers. Let us help you find the right product for your operation.

Horse Grazing

We are a Macksteel dealer which provides us with numerous lines of cattle equipment. Bale Feeders, continuous fences, gates, bottomless bunks are kept on inventory. We also are an Amberwaves Bins dealer and this lineup of bins helps us meet customer needs for bulk feed and grain into the future.

We are dealers for Green Mountain Grills and we have had great success with these and happy customers with them. Johnson concrete waterers and Gallagher fencing supplies are also two products we carry and have great success with.

Seed Delivery

We promote forage products through our business. We carry a very large supply of forage sorghums, millets, and food plot seeds. Our lineup of Double Cut, Pilemaker, Field Boss and Cow Chew lead the way for forage sorghums. We carry golden german and white wonder millets. We have lots of varieties of Cover Crops.

Our 7 way grazing blend of cover crop hits all corners of the market and puts cheap winter cost into your operations. We also carry alfalfa and numerous grass varieties.

Custom Blending:
Custom blending of any varieties can be made with a phone call. We look forward to hearing from you

Animal Health
Farmer Checking on Cattle

We try to inventory all major vaccines including Zoetis, Merck, Bohringer Ingelheim, Novartis, and Colorado Serum. We also carry many different animal health products such as dewormers, implants, calving supplies, and all major ear tag companies.

Finding the Right Solutions for You:
We, at SCLS, can help you find the right program that helps you get the best results. We are not locked into any one company and will give you the best pricing available and the right protection you need. We are an affiliate of Sioux Nation Vet Supply so we have numerous vets and consultants to help back what we do.

Agronomist Farmer

New at

South Central Livestock Supply

We are excited to announce that we are officially a dealer for Clear Dart LLC! Due to the shortage of competitor brand darts, we started looking in other directions and were able to work out an official SD dealership with this company. These darts will work with most all dart guns. We have several sizes in stock and they are available now! We have 5, 7.5, 10 cc on hand Shipping is available. 

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